17 de fev. de 2007


Uma mulher acordou uma manhã, olhou no espelho e percebeu que tinha somente três fios de cabelo na cabeça.
Bom, ela disse, acho que vou trançar meus cabelos hoje.
Assim ela fez e teve um dia maravilhoso.
No dia seguinte, ela acordou, olhou no espelho e viu que tinha somente dois fios de cabelo na cabeça.
Humm, ela disse: acho que vou partir meu cabelo no meio hoje.
Assim ela fez e teve um dia magnífico.
No dia seguinte, ela acordou, olhou no espelho e percebeu que tinha apenas um fio de cabelo na cabeça.
Bem, ela disse, hoje vou amarrar meu cabelo como um rabo de cavalo.
Assim ela fez e teve um dia divertido.
No dia seguinte, ela acordou, olhou no espelho e percebeu que não havia um único fio de cabelo na cabeça.
Yeah! ela exclamou, não tenho que pentear meu cabelo hoje!


Uma dia de paz pra vc e um ótimo feriado.


A woman woke up one morning, she looked in the mirror and she noticed that she had only three hair threads in the head.
Good, she said, I think will braid my hair today.
Like this she did and she had a wonderful day.
The following day, she woke up, she looked in the mirror and she saw that she had only two hair threads in the head.
Humm,she said: I think will break my hair half today in the.
Like this she did and she had a magnificent day.
The following day, she woke up, she looked in the mirror and she noticed that she just had a hair thread in the head.
Well, she said, today I will tie my hair as a horse tail.
Like this she did and she had an entertaining day.
The following day, she woke up, she looked in the mirror and she noticed that there was not a single hair thread in the head.
Yeah! she cried out, I don't have to comb my hair today!


A day of peace for you and a great holiday.

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